Hi Wendy May: Perspective. . . you touched on it lightly in this post. BTW you write very well. Becoming agenda-less or as I like to say: “Let go and let God” In our action, we lose sight of the vision, lose trust in the process, and just bang around in a sense of futility. Maybe we should just hold the vision and trust that the Universe will acclimate to our vision. Hold the vision and trust the process because our perception is a projection that is coming from our own mind, we have complete control over what we perceive.

"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real."

- Carl Jung

Like you, I honestly believe the world I see is a reflection of my thoughts and like you I also believe I’m just a small piece of the collective consciousness they call humanity. If you’d like to break free of survival mode and read about one of the worlds possible futures you need to check out one of my favorite reads. 2150 AD by Thea Alexander. It’s been out of print for years, but if it sounds interesting to you just ask and I’ll send you a link to the pdf Like Mike Dooley often says: “Thoughts become things” If you don’t like the “things in your world” Change your stinking thinking. A good read might help? Oh . . . before I forget. “Patience grasshopper”

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“Hold the vision and trust the process” is a lovely mantra to repeat whenever we get lost in the doing and striving

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Thank you so much for commenting and expressing appreciation for my writing. Being a writer: It can feel like a lonely role sometimes, when my thoughts are launched into the ether and I have no idea where or with whom they’re landing, if at all. Our thinking indeed has immense power in shaping our personal experience as well as in creating our shared reality. This is the beauty of the technology we call human consciousness.

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What is my Purpose? Maybe. . . To live simply for the reason of living is the greatest achievement in the understanding of life. That is when you will know peace, that is when you will know joy, that is when Master Wendy May you become God in your totality once again.

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Hi Wendy! I continue to love your emails and hope that the winds of change keep you involved in writing. AND I recognize that I can receive your wisdom in other ways if Substack isn't the way forward for you.

"Wherever you fear the victory of this or the demise of that. Wherever you defend — whether it’s a point of view or a pool of resources. Wherever you promote some cause or strive towards some end. These are the places where the hooks can grab us."

I love this, and am challenged by it! So hard to surrender those places where I strive towards a goal/end!! And a reminder to keep at it! It's worth surrendering my ego and attachment if only to stay away from getting hooked into manipulation!

I've recently found inspiration from Niki Syke and her Ascension Portal. https://nikiskye.com/

Her 7 videos are packed with free information. I found it all extremely helpful, for answering some questions, for bringing new concepts to me, for understanding culture wars, ego, karma, and healing. Just now in reading this article I thought of video 4 and the culture wars. Niki introduced me to the concept of Spiral Dynamics from Ken Wilbur - maybe you're already familiar with this? Anyways, this was such a sigh of relief to understand more about what's happening in the culture wars through the Spiral Dynamics lens.

If I remember correctly, video 5 is about the ego.

Best wishes for your continued ego surrender, and discernment for what's opening next.

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Thank you for this reflection Marta, I really appreciate your feedback. And yes Ken Wilbur is a classic! Love that work and so happy that it has found its way to you.

Wishing you well in your ongoing process as well. It seems to be a never ending dance, surrendering to the higher or larger or broader? forces in play, but without giving up and opting out completely

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