2150 AD http://www.mikeservis.com/2150AD/2150_AD.pdf

Hi Wendy May: It’s past 9PM in Thailand and PAST 7AM in Southern Oregon and it’s NOW in both places. How do you feel about Mother Nature? How do you see Wendy May in relation to Her? The link above leads to a book that’s been on my server for years. The paper-back has been out of print since 1970 something. You’re a smart enough girl to know that Mother Nature always wins in the end – regardless of the atrocities performed by humanity. This read is based on the dream of Don Plym – Thea’s EX. If you want to learn what this world will look like in a 100 plus years – and feel good NOW you’ll read it.

To have an idea, a thought

To know exists an immense universe

A grand machine is life

To know that this world and you

Are but a small part of this machine

A machine we call God

To realize that all of life

Is one, is God, is love

Love is all there is

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Beautiful, thank you! Yes, we are all part of Nature, in our natural state of interbeing.

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