As I expand in embodying personal power, I am also more exposed. I am more visible, more available — both as magnet and target — for rogue energy. The last few months have been quite an initiation for me, as I learn how to handle these things.
Note that when I talk about power, I don’t mean the strength, or even the skill to do things. What I mean by power is the capacity to hold universal energy: a capacity that naturally expands the more we align individual will with divine will (or align personal goals with higher purpose, if that resonates more for you).
Part of my initiation has been a crash course in dark magic — or “curses” as they are commonly called. We usually think of cursing as an action done by a person to wish harm to another. For our purposes here, let’s define curses as spells of negative energy; where spells are transmissible belief forms or thought forms.
We know from watching Harry Potter movies that spells can be invoked by speaking a verbal incantation. As humans become adept at navigating dimensions of reality beyond the physical, simply thinking charged thoughts can have the same effect.
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We live within a widespread disempowerment enchantment around energy alignment, which has alienated us from the creative capacity that is the birthright of every human being. Sad thing is, we are mostly familiar with distortions of creative power, having lost touch with the pure frequency.
Because we’ve known so much abuse of power in our history, many sacred, ancient practices of connecting spirit and matter are now shamed and shunned. This is why ancestral practices labeled as “witchcraft” are often seen as bad, evil, or dangerous. The ruling class has invested in centuries of mass-produced misunderstandings around this. If you choose to continue reading this post, you must be somewhat free from this mind slavery already.
What follows is an exploration of three commonly perpetuated lies about so-called “curses”. These myths are artifacts of the disempowerment enchantment. I am also sharing a surprising truth here — only recently discovered by me — about how to protect your energy with the least amount of effort needed.
Enter here under your own responsibility…