I am inspired by your grounded writing. Big yes to reclaiming and channeling energy in the directions that are most healing and authentic to each person. Thank you Wendy!

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Thank you for receiving this so warmly Marta. I really appreciate the encouragement. It’s a difficult time to be touching these topics, with everyone being so on edge about everything.

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So true - everyone is on edge and did you write in your piece that we are all living through various stages of trauma or grief right now? Thanks for your courage to write and share. Are you getting any pushback about your piece?

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Most of the feedback I do receive is quite positive. While it’s nice for me personally that I’m no longer spending my time arguing with strangers online these days, it is a concern that I have generally about how humans seem to have lost the ability to engage in civil discourse without dehumanizing those that they disagree with. But maybe that’s a topic for another post.

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No... other than some unfollows and unsubscribes, nothing. I have taken precautions now to protect myself from the kind of draining emotionally reactive debates that pushed me to leave Facebook. My Instagram profile @heywendymay is now set to private, and the comments section here on Substack is limited to paid subscribers. That has kept my personal virtual space free from any aggressive pushback, thankfully.

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