Wendy, thank you so much for your thoughtful writing and sharing. Reading your posts calms my nervous system and I'm looking for more of that in life. I read your other post about becoming a paid subscriber and you make a compelling case - I want to financially and time wise support people and creations that cause me to stretch and grow, and that come from a calm place. That calm transmits thru your writing!

I particularly like this paragraph, and it sums up exactly my growing edge:

'We can always choose to be at cause (creator consciousness) or to be at effect (victim consciousness). As victims, we disown inner authority. As creators, we assume personal agency.' That victim consciousness is so deep in me, but I'm making headway and growing for sure!

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Marta thank you so much for supporting and for commenting. It’s a funny thing being a writer sometimes and sending things out into the world, having no idea who receives my words or how they are landing. It is always so encouraging and life affirming to hear the impact it has on the real live humans who are reading. It helps me to have power to keep going.

Thank you also for showing up here with vulnerability. I’m with you in feeling trapped in “victim mode” sometimes. We all go there… I think it’s a big part of collective conditioning these days unfortunately. But being aware of that is how we stop letting it run our lives automatically. I’m with you in that ongoing process of learning. I appreciate you being here with me.

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