Hello! I love that you are sharing so honestly. One small jolt I had—the words arbitrary and unconscious struck me as not quite accurate. Men *are* more dangerous than other humans, as many studies have shown. It is not arbitrary, but appropriate for people to consider this truth as they engage with others. And because I have a past filled with enabling, I strive to remember this as consciously as possible. That’s all!

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I really love that you challenged me on this word “arbitrarily” because I realize now that it’s unnecessary. I think the most accurate word here would be “collectively” - but it is redundant since I have already said “men as a category”. So the part that you’re pointing to is just me being overly wordy. Ha ha. I edited it now to be more succinct. Thank you again for contributing.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Author

Thank you for bringing this thoughtful point Lynnea. I would be curious to take a look at the studies that you’re referring to, if you are willing to share those here or in an email message to me.

Maybe “unfairly” would be a more accurate word than “arbitrarily”. What I’m trying to get across is that there’s prejudice against a category of people, prior to any action that would be deserving of that judgment about an individual.

The word “dangerous” is also a tricky one: I often see this term being thrown around as a way of dehumanizing a person and justifying emotional violence towards them. It was actually used against me in this way.

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