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Dear Universe,
I am here. Here I am, carrying a womb, the vortex that connects this world to the infinite. My oracle nature constantly pulling me into multiple dimensions and showing me higher timelines. My tender heart touching the core of human suffering without flinching. I can hold the full spectrum of my own emotions and I hold vast oceans for others. And yet I savor the dolce far niente when you stroke my hair while I’m crying.
My body conducts a sacred ceremony of preparing to birth a new human, then dying to that possibility, month after month. I travel backwards and forwards through the portal of Life and Death to flirt with the potential of creation and destruction, the source of my magic.
I am resourced and regulated. I am alive and aligned. The capacity I embody and the creative power I wield make me attractive as a host to both dark and light entities. It calls for vigilance to maintain boundaries to protect my vessel from those who would happily siphon my energy. I can no longer allow misalignment to dwell in my field; it is far too great a liability.
I am integrated within, and so everything touches everything inside me. There’s no hiding from myself. My system is supple and flexible and porous. Experiences flow through me with ease, without sticking too much. I am as intimate with life as I am with myself, and it makes me sensitive. If I accumulate density, I know right away because the glow of my essence is shaded quickly.
This temple requires consistent cleaning. The duty of upkeep is never-ending. To keep my heart broken open in a world full of pain and suffering. To stay generous and kind in a world where so many are wired to extract from me, without even noticing. This is my daily devotional.
I am aching for a safe place to rest my head; a home in your arms where I can set aside everything that I carry and care for; a sanctuary of love where I can let my guard down.
I long for the strong presence of a protector and provider, to hold my hand and walk by my side. Not in front of me, and not behind.
You are not here for my validation or approval. You are not here to satisfy an ego mission. You are not here to meet a conditioned obligation. You choose from a space of inner freedom, knowing the richness of life’s adventure expands when shared from mutual generosity.
You are no longer a boy who needs a mommy to nurse his wounds. I can care for you, but I will not do so by sacrificing my needs or abandoning myself.
You are no longer a daddy who needs to maintain a princess to feel useful. I can receive from you, but I will not demand anything that I cannot give as well.
I have done the work to learn how to love myself unconditionally. I am ready to meet you as an equal, sovereign and self-sourced in the power to manifest your desired reality. You are a man who believes in his worthiness to receive me as the offering. You may be flawed and fragile, broken and grieving, yet you remain fiercely devoted to living and creating.
Where we are going there’s no space for extra baggage. We are dropping the burdens of old wounding, throwing out expired patterns of suffering, walking away from addictions that hold us back. Perfection is not required or even desired, only a willingness to stay awake in the mess of Life with me, experiencing all of it.
You woke me up to the immensity of my true power when I surrender my will to the holy plan; the force of nature I contain when I let my designs be rearranged into higher alignment by invisible hands. I lean into following my intuition, not blindly, but trusting divine instructions as given. I feel safe being guided even if my mind cannot read the language that the map is written in.
You woke me up to the depth of the Love that I am — a love with no subject and no object. You have ignited the love of an awakened heart, which is as courageous as it is compassionate.
I see you. Thank you for existing and for fighting for this Love.
Yours, Truly